Austin High School Partners with CHCP for First Health Pathway

Austin High School Partners with CHCP for First Health Pathway

January 30 2018

AUSTIN (January 30, 2018) - The College of Health Care Professions and Eastside Memorial Early College High School, an Austin Independent School District high school, launched a pilot program, the first in the health science sector, to expose students to professional career options, career readiness and the college lifestyle. РђўThe Pathway to CHCP Pilot Program' launched in January and brings Eastside Memorial Early College High School students to a local CHCP campus every Friday through May to participate in a full day of college-level curriculum.

Three years in the making, Dr. Sanford Jeames, Health Sciences Coordinator at Eastside Memorial Early College High School, was instrumental in the development of this program that he and his team believe provides students with important skills that will launch their entry into the allied health professional workforce that has high demands.

"A collaboration of this caliber is just what students need to prepare themselves for the future," said Jeames. "This Pathway better prepares students for not only the rigorous college experience but also hands-on exposure to attainable professional options in allied health care."

CHCP and Eastside Memorial Early College High School have had a long-standing partnership that includes campus visits on both school's campuses. This program takes that partnership to a heightened level. While at CHCP each week, students will experience different programs within the college, allowing them insight into potential allied health career options in areas such as dental, radiology, sonography medical assisting and physical therapy. Students will participate in a CHCP specific HIPAA/OSHA course exploring various regulations within the healthcare environment and participate in hands-on learning activities led by each of CHCP's program's faculty. Additionally, they will take part in a course on professionalism and career readiness, as well as, financial literacy л both critical areas of focus as high school student's transition into the college setting.

"CHCP is known for successfully transporting its students into professional allied health professional careers," stated Sara Rambikur, CHCP Austin Campus President. "This program introduces high school students, who are already showing interest in health services, to a realistic option in secondary education, while gaining active experience that better prepares them for a college start."

"CHCP is always looking for more ways to assist underserved communities by providing aspiring professionals the information they need to learn about professional career opportunities in allied health, as well as, the tools they will need to be successful. CHCP's experience from 30 years of working with students and expertise from our more than 1,500 health care employer partners, are represented in this program," added Eric Bing, CEO CHCP.

The goal of this partnership aligns with Austin Independent School District's mission for its Career and Technical Education department by providing an opportunity for students at Eastside Memorial Early College High School to acquire 21st century academic and technical skills needed to enter the workforce and/or post-secondary education, and to become contributing members of their community and larger society.

With 30 years of successful healthcare training and education and a long history of graduate success, CHCP is optimistic about the pilot program. Eighteen Eastside Memorial students are already on the inaugural pathway receiving hands-on experience and preparing for a seamless transition into college and professional career.

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