CHCP Faculty Honored for Skills-Based Learning Approach

CHCP Faculty Honored for Skills-Based Learning Approach

March 06 2023

This week, Kimberly Hernandez was awarded the national 2023 Master Teaching Award by the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES) and Elsevier. Kimberly is a Medical Assistant (MA) faculty member and Extern Coordinator at CHCP's San Antonio North campus. She was honored for her comprehensive approach to helping adult learners master the skills they need to succeed in professional careers, and her innovative teaching and pedagogy.

The 2023 Master Teacher Award recognizes the work of an outstanding allied health faculty member who shows exceptional skill, innovation, and effectiveness in regard to promoting student learning, professionalism, and self-confidence. Kimberly presented her inspiring practice and received her award at the 19th Annual National Conference on Allied Health Education on March 1-2.

Read more here.

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