Student Achievement

Student Achievement

CHCP Graduation, Retention, Employment, and Placement Rates

Federal Student Right-to-Know Graduation Rate

Pursuant to the Student Right-to-Know Act, CHCP determines and makes available each year the graduation rate of certificate or degree-seeking, first-time, full-time, undergraduate students. It is important to note that the Student Right-to-Know graduation rate is calculated at the school level. There is only one rate for the school and not a rate for each individual program.

The most recent Student Right-to-Know Graduation rate for each CHCP campus is available below in the Campus Outcomes Reports.

The student Right-to-Know graduation rate for each CHCP campus is also available on the U.S. Department of Education’s College Navigator website, located at

ABHES Retention and Placement Rates

All CHCP schools are nationally accredited by ABHES, the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools. ABHES requires each school that it accredits to calculate a retention rate and placement rates for each program offered, which the institution submits in its Annual Report to ABHES. The rates are calculated in accordance with timeframes and methodology set forth in the ABHES Accreditation Manual, available at

The most recent Retention and Graduation rates for each program at each CHCP campus is available below in the Campus Outcomes Reports.

Texas Workforce Commission Career Schools and Colleges Rates

All CHCP schools are approved and regulated by the Texas Workforce Commission Career Schools and Colleges (TWC). TWC requires each school that it approves to submit on an annual basis a Completer/Placement report for each program offered at each school. After the data analysis is complete by TWC, a Summary Report of the data is returned to each school, which details the Completion, Placement, and Employment rates for each program offered at the institution. Institutions are then required to update the TWC Receipt of Enrollment Policies (CSC-005) document with the new rates. This document is provided to all new students who wish to enroll at the institution.

The most recent Completion and Graduation rates for each program at each CHCP campus are available below in the Campus Outcomes Reports.

The TWC rates for the last three years for each CHCP school are available on the TWC’s Licensed Career School and Colleges pages on the TWC website. Specific information can be located by searching Schools and entering "College of Health Care Professions" in the School Name field.

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