Healthcare Administration - Bachelor of Science Degree Program

Healthcare Administration - Bachelor of Science Degree Program

Classes Start March 10th

Our online Healthcare Administration Program - BS Degree is designed to help you learn how to maintain and improve the operation and functioning of healthcare facilities.

Our online Healthcare Administration Bachelor of Science Degree Completion Program is designed to prepare allied health personnel to take on leadership positions in healthcare administration. Healthcare managers oversee medical facilities, managing the way healthcare is delivered. Because they know the inner workings of the healthcare system, they are able to help healthcare facilities navigate the ever-changing healthcare industry. Healthcare managers utilize project management and leadership skills to maintain and improve the operation and functioning of healthcare facilities, helping practices run smoothly. If you want to put your big-picture thinking, project management abilities, and healthcare administration skills to work, consider enrolling for a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree from the College of Health Care Professions in Healthcare Administration.

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Healthcare Administration Skills and Course Modules

Module IModule IIModule IIIModule IVModule VModule VIModule VIIModule VIIIModule IXModule XModule XIModule XII

Medical Terminology*


This course is an introduction to medical terminology and covers terminology associated with the structure of the body, the integumentary, muscular and skeletal systems, the lymphatic, immune, and cardiovascular systems, the urinary, respiratory, digestive, and nervous systems, the eyes and ears, the reproductive and endocrine systems, diagnostic and imaging procedures, and pharmacology. Prerequisite:

Total Hours48hr.

Anatomy and Physiology*


This course is an introduction to the human body and includes chemistry and the human body, the structure and function of membranes, cells, tissues, organs and organ systems. Additionally, mechanisms of disease, human development, inheritance, weights and measures, and normal physiological values are studied. Prerequisite:

Total Hours48hr.

Health Care Delivery Systems, Organization and Administration


This course covers those concepts involved in health care delivery systems, organization and administration, planning and evaluation. Included in the course is a survey of the programs, services, and facilities in the continuum of health care, analysis of organizational patterns of various types of health care institutions, including roles and responsibilities, and models for planning and program evaluation in the health care setting, including methods for identifying, gathering, and utilizing data as information for decision making. Prerequisite:

Total Hours48hr.

Introduction to Statistics*


This course familiarizes students with the basic concepts of statistics and provides a comprehensive overview of its scope and limitations. Students perform statistical analyses of samples, compute the measures of location and dispersion, and interpret these measures for descriptive statistics. Other sections review linear regression, multiple regression, and correlation analysis, as well as model building, model diagnosis, and time series regression using various models. After a review of the basic concepts of probability, students apply discrete and continuous distributions of probability. Other topics include constructing a hypothesis on one and two samples, performing one-way and two-way analyses of variance, and applying nonparametric methods of statistical analysis. Prerequisite:

Total Hours48hr.

Principles of Management and Leadership


This course is designed to provide the student with information required to work as a manager. Included in the course is strategic planning, managing decision making, entrepreneurship, new ventures, human resources, groups, and teams. Also covered is organizational structure and design, change and innovation, motivating employee performance, leadership processes, and communication in organizations. Prerequisite:

Total Hours48hr.

American Government*


In this course the student will explore how the founders created a democracy based upon the ideals of liberty, equality, and self-government. The student discover how the government is structured and how it operates, and examine the three branches of the United States government that create a system of checks and balances. The learner will be able to carry out the following activities: distinguish between civil rights and civil liberties, and explain how these rights and liberties are achieved through politics; evaluate how citizens participate in public affairs during elections and through intermediaries such as political parties, interest groups, and the media; analyze the ways Americans think politically, and describe the effect their opinions have on government; differentiate the divisions of political power among the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government; describe the various ways that the public interacts with the government; summarize how the policies of the United States reflect the nature of its political system and its people, and why they tend to be piecemeal and reactive; compare and contrast the structures of the federal, state, and local governments. Prerequisite:

Total Hours48hr.

Introduction to Economics*


This course provides the student with an overview of the basic principles of macro and micro economics. Topics include economic systems; markets and competition; money and banking; production, income, and employment; economic activities and policies; and international economics. The student will be able to define economics and explain its nature and scope; describe the process of economizing and the circular flow of economic activity; explain the American economic system; and contrast the perfect competitive model with the real world of imperfect competition. Explain the nature, functions, and creation of money and the role of monetary authorities; explain national income accounting and personal income distribution; outline business cycles and their economic/psychological implications; and specify the effects of fiscal policy on economic activity. Prerequisite:

Total Hours48hr.

Introduction to Business


Course includes delving into economic systems, competition, and legal, ethical, and financial issues found in business. Also covered are forms of business ownership, labor relations, organizational structure, marketing management, technology and information, and managing personal and business finances. Prerequisite:

Total Hours48hr.

Western Civilization I*


This course provides students with a comprehensive overview of the development of early civilizations from Neolithic times to 1715. Early and contemporary Western cultures are compared and contrasted, as are major religious, social, and political reforms. Other topics include the religious influence of Judaism and the Bible, the rise and fall of ancient Greece, and the transformation of Rome from a republic to an empire. The Crusades, the origins of feudalism, and the evolution of Christianity are examined, as is the evolution of the European economy during Westward expansion. The Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment period are also discussed. Prerequisite:

Total Hours48hr.

Principals of Accounting


This course covers the purposes and uses of accounting systems, including how to analyze accounting transactions, accounting equations, the framework of the double-entry system, journalizing and posting transactions, adjusting entries, updating the worksheet, and preparing financial statements, and the closing process. Prerequisite: College Math or comparable

Total Hours48hr.

Human Resources Management


This course covers the strategic, legal, and global human resources environment. Included in the course is human resource planning and job analysis, recruiting, performance management, training and development, career planning, compensation, payroll, incentives and rewards, employee benefits, and managing labor relations. Prerequisite:

Total Hours48hr.

Introduction to Sociology*


This course provides a broad overview of sociology and how it applies to everyday life. Major theoretical perspectives and concepts are presented, including sociological imagination, culture, deviance, inequality, social change, and social structure. Students also explore the influence of social class and social institutions, such as churches, education, healthcare, government, economy, and environment. The family as a social structure is also examined. Prerequisite:

Total Hours48hr.

Electronic Health Records Management


This course covers the functions of the medical records clerk and the health information management department. Concepts covered include processing electronic medical records, assembly of medical records, analysis of the record, physician incomplete data, confidentiality issues and release of information. Prerequisite: Medical Terminology and Anatomy & Physiology

Total Hours48hr.

Western Civilization II*


This course provides students with a comprehensive overview of concepts, people, and events that shaped Western culture from the eighteenth to the twenty-first centuries. Topics include: the rise of Eastern and Western Europe; the Enlightenment-era philosophies; the impact of the French Revolution on political, social, and economic world order; and the effects of the industrial revolution on Western society. Unification era politics; various methods of imperial indoctrination; and major political, economic, and social reforms are explored, along with the root causes and strategies that affected the outcomes of WWI and WWII. Social, economic, and political changes that occurred in the twentieth century are also examined. Prerequisite: Western Civilization I

Total Hours48hr.

Business Law and Legal Aspects in Health Care


This course covers the legal system and legal environment of business today. It is designed to provide the student with information on the essentials of the nature of law and the functions of the judicial system in the business environment. Covered in the course is an overview of legal characteristics of a sole proprietorship, partnerships, and corporations, as well as those concepts related to the law and the health care industry, including patients’ rights, negligence and malpractice, licensure, privacy and confidentiality, and decision making. Prerequisite:

Total Hours48hr.

Public Speaking and Presentations*


The Public Speaking and Presentations course requires the student to develop skills in speech composition, speech delivery and effective listening. The student will develop and refine presentation skills focusing on compiling, organizing and outlining the research material in preparation for the assignments. The ability to respond to questions and challenges during presentation situations will also be cultivated. The student will gain skills in the following proficiencies as part of successful completion of this course: clear and logical thinking; including the ability to analyze, synthesize, evaluate, and interpret information and ideas. Prerequisite:

Total Hours48hr.

Healthcare Statistics


This course introduces the student to basic allied health statistics and analysis. Students will learn how to collect data, calculate key healthcare statistics, and prepare reports, including analysis. Students will also compute common Health Information Management Department Statistics. Prerequisite: Introduction to Statistics, or comparable

Total Hours48hr.

Organizational Change Management


The class provides the student knowledge, skills, and tools that enable a leader/organization to facilitate change in a participative style. This class examines the processes of two leaders in the evolving field of change management, John Kotter and William Bridges. Kotter identifies that change has both emotional and situational components. His methods for managing each are expressed in a 3-phase/8-step model. Bridges deals with change at a more granular, individual level. He suggests that change within a healthcare organization requires individuals to transition from one identity to a new identity when they are involved in a process of change. According to Bridges, transitions occur in three major steps. The major steps and important concepts within the models of each are addressed, and examples are provided to demonstrate how healthcare managers can actualize the models within their health care organizations. Prerequisite: Human Resource Management or comparable

Total Hours48hr.

Healthcare Financing


This course covers the unique structure and process of financial management in healthcare organizations. Students learn to examine and understand statements of profit and loss, balance sheets and cash flow statements in order to make administrative decisions regarding operations and resource allocation. This course provides a comprehensive overview of the financial structure, market forces, controls and techniques used in the healthcare financial management. The class also provides the student with a foundation in the use of financial tools and methods that will enable to better analyses within the healthcare system for administrative decision-making such as cost/benefit analysis, cost/effectiveness analysis, ratio analysis and others. This course will provide the student with both a macro overview of the principal financial mechanisms in place across the U. S. health care industry and specific insights into the critical issues the industry currently faces. Prerequisite: Healthcare Statistics, Introduction to Economics and Principles of Accounting, or comparable

Total Hours48hr.

Healthcare Data Validation and Workflow Analysis


This course reviews healthcare data validation and collection techniques used to assist in patient/client management. Various research methods used to collect data, evaluate needs and develop strategies and programs will be evaluated. This course includes fundamentals of healthcare workflow process analysis and redesign as a necessary component of complete practice automation. The student will outline elements within a complex healthcare system and obtain knowledge of a process map for given clinical process workflows. Students will demonstrate decision-making skills for analyzing and optimizing healthcare workflow processes. Process validation and change management skills will be implemented in designing processes to improve quality reporting and develop a workflow plan that integrates meaningful use criteria. Students will learn to be astute consumers of healthcare research studies and understanding data impact on management decisions for patient care and healthcare systems and also understand the importance of contingency plans for EHR system failure. Prerequisite: Introduction to Statistics, or comparable

Total Hours48hr.

Risk Management in Healthcare Settings


In this course, we examine various risk factors and methods of managing risk in healthcare organizations. The course is designed to teach foundational concepts and help the student formulate a sound understanding of the six major content areas detailed in the Certified Professional in Healthcare Risk Management (CPHRM) Candidate Handbook. This course will prepare the student to comprehend and apply risk management fundamentals within the healthcare industry. Prerequisite: Healthcare Statistics, or comparable

Total Hours48hr.

Strategic Planning and Implementation


This course introduces students to the strategic environment of the healthcare industry. The models for planning effective programs, implementing programs, and program evaluation in health care settings are examined. Special procedures and options available to healthcare organizations are introduced and methods for identifying, gathering, and utilizing data for decision making are presented. Students are provided with the theory of healthcare administration using a strategic management framework and study the integration of key business functions (finance, marketing, human resources, information technology, and law) as well as specific strategic options (merger/acquisition, reorganization, joint venture) and some of the popular tools for analyzing strategic situations (balanced scorecard, Six Sigma, SWOT). The goal is to apply the multistep processes of strategic and implementation plans to the upcoming capstone classes. A writing-intensive course. Prerequisite: Organizational Change Management, or comparable

Total Hours48hr.

Project Management


This course will assist students in preparation for the Certified Associate of Project Management (CAPM) exam and/or help prepare the student for the Project Management Professional (PMP) exam. Students will learn and gain an over view understanding of the terminology, tools, and techniques that are required to take a project from the initiating process to planning, executing, controlling, and closing. In addition to providing students with the key concepts from PMI’s A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, Fourth Edition (PMBOK), the course is designed to raise the students' chances of passing PMP Exams. Prerequisite: Human Resource Management and Organizational Change Management

Total Hours48hr.

HCM Capstone


Methodical review of operations, including interviews of key management personnel. Create a written work plan containing an assessment of overall operations with institutional mentor. Mentor will assist/direct the identification of one possible opportunity for administrative improvement. The student will formulate recommendations for the creation, implementation and monitoring of workable solutions. Prerequisite: All coursework in the program except General Education classes and Project Management

Total Hours108hr.

What Skills Could I Learn in the Healthcare Administration Program?

A healthcare manager must develop a variety of communication and administrative skills. Here are a few of the skills introduced in our Healthcare Administration Program:

  • Managerial communication abilities
  • Project management
  • Fundamental knowledge competencies
  • Personnel leadership
  • Change management
  • Basic foundations of sociology, business, economics.
  • Risk management in healthcare settings
  • Strategic planning and implementation
  • Business law and legal aspects in health care
  • Public speaking and presentations
  • Healthcare statistics
  • Organizational change management
  • Healthcare financing
  • Healthcare data validation and workflow analysis

Job Outlook

The healthcare administration career field is growing, and it is expected to continue growing by 18% by 2028. This growth is much higher than the average for all other occupations. This growth is likely due to the increasing need for medical care, as the large baby boomer population ages. Consider that you could be a part of this growth with our 96-week online program. To learn more about healthcare administrator salary, job outlook, and employment statistics, visit the Bureau of Labor and Statistics.

Career Search

When you are ready to graduate, we will be there to help you transition from education to employment. Our Career Services can help with resume writing, interviewing tips, and job placement. Visit our Career Services page to learn more.

What Career Options are Available in Healthcare Administration?

Job Titles

This online Healthcare Administration Program is a Bachelor’s Degree program designed to provide the qualifications needed to apply for various positions, including those with the following titles:

  • Healthcare office manager
  • Medical office manager
  • Health services manager
  • Medical services manager
  • Executive medical managerial assistant
  • Medical record manager
  • Healthcare administrator
  • Physician practice manager
  • Quality and Improvement manager
  • Patient finance manager
  • Health insurance manager
  • Healthcare department manager
  • Population health manager
  • Managed care representative
  • Program director

Work Settings

Those with a Healthcare Administration Bachelor’s Degree typically apply for positions in various medical office settings:

  • Physician office
  • Group medical practice
  • Long-term medical care facility
  • Hospital
  • Medical or diagnostic laboratory

Ready to advance your healthcare degree?

Just fill out the form. Someone will be in contact with you soon providing you with more information on CHCP's Healthcare Administration Bachelor's Degree Completion Program.

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How Do I Enroll?

If you are ready to work toward a Bachelor’s Degree in Healthcare Administration, The College of Health Care Professions may be a good option for you. To enroll in our Healthcare Administration Bachelor’s Degree Completion Program, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Must have an associate's degree from an accredited learning institution:
    • Which includes 60 semester credits or their equivalent
    • The 60 semester credits should include a minimum of 30 semester credits or equivalent in the concentration
    • 15 semester credits in general education course work
  • Must have earned a 2.0 or higher in the Associate's Degree
  • Must be able to read and write in English
  • Must have good coordination and be neat and professional at all times

If you’re ready to take the first step toward your new career as a healthcare manager, fill out the form! One of our counselors will contact you with more information!

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