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June 13 2012

Welcome to CHCP's first blog post! Our decision to start a blog for Allied Health Students and Professionals came easily to us. We are fortunate enough to have some of the best qualified healthcare industry experts working for our College. Some have been in the Allied Health and Healthcare fields for over 30 years, some have owned their own practice and have chosen to teach, and some are our graduates who have come back to share their healthcare knowledge and experience with a new generation. What we all have in common is a passion for education. Our wish for this blog is to impart some of the knowledge and wisdom we've acquired over our years in the health care industry.

CHCP began with a simple need - to find qualified allied health professionals to keep up with the growing demand of a physician based practice in the world-renowned Texas Medical Center. We realized early that providing the training for these individuals would be the best way to keep up with the demand, as well as ensure the training was real and relevant for a successful practice. Quickly, the techs we were training were in demand and as they say, the rest is history.

As the healthcare industry continues to grow and technology in medicine pushes our mind far beyond what we could ever imagine, we must remain competitive in order to survive. We must continue to educate ourselves and encourage those around us to do the same. With the internet so easily accessible, knowledge is literally at your fingertips. Take the time to invest in yourself, your education and your future. CHCP will continually update our blog with interesting articles, news and facts related to the allied health programs we offer. Posts will be written by our faculty, staff, and even our graduates - the people that know best what it takes to achieve success in the allied health care field!

We recognize that your ultimate goal is to make a difference with a career as a healthcare technologist. We design our programs to be as time efficient as possible, training you for the workplace, developing critical thinking, and professional skills for workplace success without the baggage that often burdens a degree at a community or traditional college. We embrace the fact that a future as a caregiver requires commitment and often times courage, not just from you, but also from those who support you from the sidelinesРђдthe parents, spouses and children. We know it's an investment of time from each one of you and when you succeed, we all will be there to celebrate.

I'll leave you with this parting thought: No matter where your career takes you, remember to give back. We believe that it is important that the CHCP organization give back to the community through our community service work and by donating to various humanitarian, health, and environmental causes. We hope to fuel the fire of compassion and care giving in our graduates by our example so that they can truly make a difference.

We are excited you have visited our blog post and hope our paths cross through the College of Health Care Professions' Learning Experience.
Best of Luck,

Jon D. Emerald
Chief Executive Officer

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